Submission guidelines

The Shambles Literary Journal is a biannual publication that features prose and poetry composed by high school seniors and juniors from the Baltimore region.

Submissions for the inaugural volume of the journal are due by November 15, 2022. 
For this edition, we encourage all writers to involve the theme of second chance, and we encourage of fiction and personal essays to feature a local setting.  We prefer fiction submissions to fall within a word count of 400 to 2500, and we prefer poems that abide a conscious form.  Writers may submit up to two stories or excerpts, and up to six poems for consideration.  All submitted pieces will be reviewed for publication, even if the theme and setting diverge from our preferences.

Copies will be available digitally and at The Ivy Bookshop in Baltimore, Maryland.

The submissions will be reviewed by our editorial team, a collective of local high school writers.
For more information on becoming involved in The Journal,
please contact Sam

In order to submit your work, complete the Submission Registration Form.
You must attach your piece as a Word document via email to:

For more information, please feel welcome to contact
Sam Farmer.